Dernière modification : 19 novembre 2024

Politique de gestion des cookies

Cette politique relative aux « cookies » (ci-après « la Politique ») décrit comment les cookies ou technologies équivalentes sont utilisés sur nos sites internet et sur des propriétés internet (comme les widgets et applications (ci-après, dénommés « le Site »). Ce site ainsi que la bannière de cookies et la gestion de vos préférences sur les cookies sont destinés à fonctionner et à être lus ensemble.

« Nous » (ou "notre" ou "nos") désigne la société Warner Music France SAS ou WMIS Ltd (pour les sites e-commerce) ou le membre de notre groupe qui exploite un site (comme indiqué sur le site ou dans notre politique de traitement des données personnelles).

Nous pouvons modifier la présente politique à tout moment, veuillez donc la consulter régulièrement pour vous tenir au courant des mises à jour. La dernière révision de cette dernière a été effectuée à la date indiquée en haut du document.

1. Qu’est-ce qu’un cookie ?

Un cookie est un petit élément d’information que le serveur du Site transfère dans le dossier « cookie » du navigateur de votre appareil, afin que le contenu de ce cookie puisse être récupéré et lu. Les cookies n’enregistrent généralement pas votre nom ou vos coordonnées spécifiques. Toutefois, certains cookies peuvent attribuer un identifiant à une personne. Dans la mesure où les cookies collectent et traitent des données personnelles, celles-ci sont traitées conformément à notre politique de traitement des données personnelles.

Nous utilisons sur le site d’autres technologies qui fonctionnent de manière similaire aux cookies en stockant ou en accédant aux informations sur le dispositif d'un utilisateur, comme par exemple :

2. L’utilisation que nous faisons des cookies

Nous utilisons une combinaison de cookies strictement nécessaires, de cookies fonctionnels, de cookies de ciblage et de cookies de performance, comme décrit dans la gestion de vos préférences sur les cookies.

Ce lien présente nos cookies ainsi que ceux de tiers que nous utilisons sur notre site lorsque les fonctionnalités pertinentes sont activées, et explique leur objectif et leur durée. Nous utilisons actuellement sur nos sites à la fois des cookies de session et des cookies permanents. Les cookies de session expirent à la fin de la session de votre navigateur ; les cookies permanents durent plus longtemps.

Les cookies sont généralement soumis à votre consentement. L’accord que vous donnez est valable 12 mois. Si vous cliquez sur « Rejeter tous les cookies », nous effacerons toutes les données des cookies publicitaires dans un délai d'un mois.

Cookies tiers

Nos sites contiennent des contenus et outils de tiers - cliquez sur ce lien pour obtenir plus d'informations à leur sujet. Par conséquent, lorsque vous consultez une page du Site proposant des applications tierces comme Facebook ou Youtube, des cookies peuvent être mis en place par ces sites internet.

Vous trouverez ci-dessous les services tiers que nous utilisons et où trouver d'autres informations sur la politique de traitement des données à leur sujet :

Comment modifier les paramètres de mes cookies ?

Vous pouvez modifier vos préférences en matière de cookies à tout moment en cliquant sur le lien « Paramètres les cookies » qui est disponible sur n'importe quelle page web. Vous pouvez ensuite régler les curseurs disponibles sur « Autoriser» ou « Interdire », puis cliquer sur « Confirmer mes choix ». Vous devrez peut-être actualiser votre page pour que vos paramètres prennent effet. Vous pouvez également avoir la possibilité de modifier vos paramètres de cookies si vous visitez une autre zone du site qui a une fonctionnalité différente ou si cela optimiserait votre expérience en ligne de choisir des paramètres différents (mais cela sera toujours facultatif).

Il est important que vous sachiez que si les cookies sont désactivés, toutes les fonctionnalités du Site peuvent ne pas fonctionner comme prévu, ce qui peut avoir une incidence sur votre expérience en ligne.

Les paramètres de la plupart des navigateurs internet permettent également un certain contrôle de la plupart des cookies. Pour en savoir plus sur les cookies, notamment sur la manière de vérifier quels cookies ont été définis, visitez ou

Vous pouvez gérer les cookies sur les navigateurs les plus populaires en visitant les sites de leurs développeurs, tels que :

Pour ne pas être suivi par Google Analytics sur tous les Sites, consultez Il existe également un logiciel disponible en téléchargement qui supprime les cookies de suivi des sessions de navigation.

Liste des cookies

Un cookie est un petit fichier de données (fichier texte) qu'un site Web, lorsqu'il est consulté par un utilisateur, demande à votre navigateur de stocker sur votre appareil afin de mémoriser des informations vous concernant, telles que vos préférences linguistiques ou informations de connexion. Nous configurons ces cookies appelés cookies internes. Nous utilisons également des cookies tiers, qui sont des cookies d'un domaine différent de celui du site Web que vous consultez, pour nos efforts de publicité et de marketing. Plus concrètement, nous utilisons des cookies et d'autres technologies de suivi selon les finalités suivantes :

Cookies de performance

Ces cookies nous permettent d'analyser l'utilisation du site afin de pouvoir mesurer et améliorer les performances de notre site. Il peut s'agir de cookies provenant de services d'analyse de tiers. Ces cookies collectent des données agrégées. Si vous n'autorisez pas ces cookies, nous ne recevrons pas de données sur vos visites sur le site et ne pourrons pas apporter d'améliorations sur cette base.
Host Name Cookie Name Description Cookies Used Length
alainsouchon.nettpThis cookie is associated with Adobe Analytics site tracking. It registers if the website's scroll-depth detection is active. This function remembers how far the user has scrolled on the current session across the website's sub-pages.1st PartySession
alainsouchon.nets_tpThis cookie is associated with Adobe Analytics. The cookie is used for measuring a visitor’s scroll activity to see how much of a page they view before moving on to another page.1st Party0 days
alainsouchon.nets_ipsThis cookie is associated with Adobe Analytics. The cookie is used for measuring a visitor’s scroll activity to see how much of a page they view before moving on to another page.1st Party0 days
alainsouchon.nets_gvo_21This cookie is used to track website behavior by collecting custom data variables in Adobe Analytics.1st PartySession
alainsouchon.nets_gvo_This cookie is used to track website behavior by collecting custom data variables in Adobe Analytics.1st Party0 days
alainsouchon.nets_vnumThis cookie is associated with Adobe Site Catalyst and tracks the number of unique visits by each visitor.1st Party0 days
alainsouchon.nets_vnc365This cookie is associated with Adobe Analytics and is used to track website behaviour.1st Party365 days
alainsouchon.nets_ppvThis cookie is associated with Adobe Analytics site tracking and is used to measure a user's scroll activity to see how much of a page they view before moving to another page.1st PartySession
alainsouchon.nets_nrThis cookie is associated with Adobe Site Catalyst and stores the date of visit and if the visitor is new or returning.1st Party0 days
alainsouchon.nets_gvo_10This cookie is used to track website behavior by collecting custom data variables in Adobe Analytics.1st PartySession
alainsouchon.nets_gvo_51This cookie is used to track website behavior by collecting custom data variables in Adobe Analytics.1st PartySession
alainsouchon.nets_gvo_9This cookie is used to track website behavior by collecting custom data variables in Adobe Analytics.1st PartySession
alainsouchon.nets_invisitThis cookie is associated with Adobe Site Catalyst and counts the visits made by a user to the site.1st Party0 days
alainsouchon.nets_gvo_11This cookie is used to track website behavior by collecting custom data variables in Adobe Analytics.1st PartySession
alainsouchon.nets_gvo_13This cookie is used to track website behavior by collecting custom data variables in Adobe Analytics.1st PartySession
alainsouchon.nets_ccThis cookie is associated with the Adobe Site Catalyst. It determines whether cookies are enabled in the web browser.1st PartySession
alainsouchon.nets_dslvThis cookie is associated with Adobe Analytics. It returns the number of days that have passed since the user's last visit.1st Party0 days
alainsouchon.netAMCVS_This is a pattern type cookie associated with Adobe Marketing Cloud. It stores a unique visitor identifier, and uses an organisation identifier to allow a company to track users across their domains and services.1st PartySession
alainsouchon.nets_lvThis cookie is associated with Adobe Analytics site tracking. It is used to identify the time (in days) between two visits by the same visitor (identified by an id number).1st Party1095 days
alainsouchon.nets_tslvThis cookie holds a Unix timestamp of the current time. It is used for time tracking related metrics within Adobe Analytics.1st Party730 days
alainsouchon.nets_gvo_15This cookie is used to track website behavior by collecting custom data variables in Adobe Analytics.1st PartySession
alainsouchon.nets_gvo_6This cookie is used to track website behavior by collecting custom data variables in Adobe Analytics.1st Party0 days
alainsouchon.nets_gvo_22This cookie is used to track website behavior by collecting custom data variables in Adobe Analytics.1st PartySession
alainsouchon.netAMCV_This is a cookie associated with Adobe Analytics. It stores a unique visitor identifier, and uses an organisation identifier to allow a company to track users across their domains and services.1st Party730 days
alainsouchon.nets_nr30This cookie is associated with Adobe Analytics site tracking. It determines if the user is a new visitor or a repeat visitor within a given timeframe.1st Party30 days
scorecardresearch.comUIDThis cookie is associated with Scorecard Research. The main business activity is advertising.3rd Party720 days
dpm.demdex.netdpmThis Adobe Analytics cookie is associated with embedded content from DPM is an abbreviation for Data Provider Match. It tells internal, Adobe systems that a call from Adobe Analytics or the Adobe Experience Cloud ID Service is passing in customer data for synchronization or requesting an ID.3rd Party180 days
smetrics.wmg.coms_ecidThis cookie is associated with Adobe Analytics. It stores a unique visitor identifier to allow a company to track users across their domains and services.3rd Party730 days
demdex.netdemdexThis cookie is associated with It is used by Adobe Analytics to help identify a unique visitor across domains. It helps perform functions such as visitor identification, ID synchronization, segmentation, modeling and reporting.3rd Party180 days
demdex.netdextpThis Adobe cookie is associated with embedded content from Adobe Analytics sets this cookie to record the last time it made a data synchronization call. It stores a data provider name or ID and a timestamp.3rd Party180 days

Cookies de ciblage

Ces cookies peuvent être définis par nous ou par nos partenaires publicitaires. Ils peuvent être utilisés pour établir des profils de vos intérêts et vous montrer des publicités pertinentes sur d'autres sites. Ces cookies peuvent partager des informations avec des tiers. Nous utilisons également des plug-ins de médias sociaux, le suivi des médias sociaux et le suivi des dispositifs croisés. Si vous n'autorisez pas ces cookies, vous ne pourrez pas utiliser les fonctionnalités sociales et vous serez confronté à des publicités moins ciblées.
Host Name Cookie Name Description Cookies Used Length
alainsouchon.net_schnThis cookie is associated with Snapchat. It tracks individual sessions on the website, allowing the website to compile statistical data from multiple visits. This data can also be used to create leads for marketing purposes.1st Party0 days
alainsouchon.netAAMC_wmg_0This cookie is associated with the Adobe Audience Manager ID (DMP). The main business activity is advertising1st Party180 days
alainsouchon.netaam_uuidThis cookie is associated with the Adobe Audience Manager ID - Data Management Platform (DMP). It is used to assign a unique ID when a user visits a website.1st Party30 days
alainsouchon.net_dltThis cookie is associated with Quantcast. It is used for audience segmentation and targeted advertising services.1st Party0 days
alainsouchon.net__qcaThis cookie is associated with Quantcast. It is used for audience segmentation and targeted advertising services.1st Party395 days
360yield.comtuuid_luThis cookie is associated with It is used to make advertising messages more relevant to the website visitor. It contains a unique visitor ID, which allows Bidswitch to track the visitor across multiple websites, allowing optimisation of relevant advertising and ensuring the visitor does not see the same ads multiple times.3rd Party90 days
360yield.comtuuidThis cookie is associated with It is used to make advertising messages more relevant to the website visitor.3rd Party90 days
go.sonobi.comHAPLB5XThis cookie is associated with Sonobi, an audience buying and selling platform for online advertising. It is used to deliver adverts more relevant to the user as well as limit the number of times the user sees an advertisement.3rd PartySession
eyeota.netSERVERIDThis cookie is associated with Eyeota which specialises in audience data to enable targeted advertising.3rd Party0 days
eyeota.netmako_uidThis cookie is associated with Eyeota which specialises in audience data to enable targeted advertising.3rd Party365 days
pubmatic.comKADUSERCOOKIEThis cookie is associated with, an advertising exchange platform. It passes information between partners when considering whether to purchase advertisements. This enables the partner to make better decisions about whether to display an advertisement to a user.3rd Party90 days
pubmatic.comKTPCACOOKIEThis cookie is associated with It registers a unique ID that identifies the user's device during return visits across websites that use the same ad network. The ID is used to allow targeted ads.3rd Party90 days
doubleclick.netIDEThis cookie is associated with is Google's real time bidding advertising exchange. This cookie is used to check if the user's browser supports cookies.3rd Party390 days
doubleclick.nettest_cookieThis cookie is associated with is Google's real time bidding advertising exchange. This cookie is used to check if the user's browser supports cookies.3rd Party0 days
adnxs.comuuid2This cookie is associated with AppNexus Inc.3rd Party90 days
snapchat.comsc_atThis cookie is associated with Snapchat and is used for targeted advertising.3rd Party390 days
secure.quantserve.com_dltThis cookie is associated with Quantcast. It is used for audience segmentation and targeted advertising services.3rd Party0 days
crwdcntrl.net_cc_dcThis cookie is associated with Lotame. It is used to segment the website's users according to factors such as demographics and geographical location, in order to enable media and marketing agencies to structure and understand their target groups to enable customised online advertising.3rd Party270 days
crwdcntrl.net_cc_ccThis cookie is associated with Lotame. The main business activity is advertising.3rd PartySession
crwdcntrl.net_cc_idThis cookie is associated with Lotame. It is used to segment the website's users according to factors such as demographics and geographical location, in order to enable media and marketing agencies to structure and understand their target groups to enable customised online advertising.3rd Party270 days
crwdcntrl.net_cc_audThis cookie is associated with Lotame. It is used to segment the website's users according to factors such as demographics and geographical location, in order to enable media and marketing agencies to structure and understand their target groups to enable customised online advertising.3rd Party270 days
adsrvr.orgTDCPMThis cookie is associated with TheTradeDesk. The main business activity is advertising.3rd Party365 days
adsrvr.orgTDIDThis cookie is associated with TheTradeDesk. The main business activity is advertising.3rd Party365 days
quantserve.comdThis cookie is associated with Quantcast. It is used for audience segmentation and targeted advertising services.3rd Party90 days
quantserve.commcThis cookie is associated with Quantcast. It is used for audience segmentation and targeted advertising services.3rd Party396 days
openx.netiThis cookie is associated with OpenX. The main business activity is advertising3rd Party365 days
ad.gtlast_seenpbmThis cookie is associated with Audigent, a Data Management Platform. It stores the last seen time for Pubmatic.3rd Party730 days
ad.gtlast_seenemxThis cookie is associated with Audigent, a Data Management Platform. It stores the last seen time for EMX.3rd Party730 days
ad.gtlast_seensonThis cookie is associated with Audigent, a Data Management Platform. It stores the last seen time for Sonobi.3rd Party730 days
ad.gtlast_seenopenxThis cookie is associated with Audigent, a Data Management Platform. It stores the last date the openx cookie was set. Openx is an SSP partner that is integrated with Audigent.3rd Party730 days
ad.gtlast_seenadnxsThis cookie is associated with Audigent, a Data Management Platform. It stores the last seen time for Appnexus (Xandr).3rd Party730 days
ad.gtlast_seenbeeswaxThis cookie is associated with Audigent, a Data Management Platform. It stores the last seen time for Beeswax.3rd Party730 days
ad.gtsas_uidThis cookie is associated with Audigent, a Data Management Platform. It stores the last time seen for Smart.3rd Party730 days
ad.gtlast_seenrubThis cookie is associated with Audigent, a Data Management Platform. It stores the last seen time for Rubicon.3rd Party730 days
ad.gtlast_seenadxThis cookie is associated with Audigent, a Data Management Platform. It stores the last seen time for Google.3rd Party730 days
ad.gtau_idmatchThis cookie is associated with Audigent, a Data Management Platform. It tracks which cookies have been dropped that day.3rd Party1 days
ad.gtlast_seentdThis cookie is associated with Audigent, a Data Management Platform. It stores the last seen time for The Trade Desk.3rd Party730 days
ad.gtlast_seenpulsepointThis cookie is associated with Audigent, a Data Management Platform. It stores the last time seen for Pulsepoint.3rd Party730 days
ad.gtg_hostedThis cookie is associated with Audigent, a Data Management Platform. It tracks when a Google-hosted match table is added.3rd Party730 days
ad.gtrubThis cookie is associated with Audigent, a Data Management Platform. It stores the last seen time for Rubicon.3rd Party730 days
ad.gtadnxs_idThis cookie is associated with Audigent, a Data Management Platform. It is used for identity resolution for Appnexus (Xandr).3rd Party730 days
ad.gtfp_idThis cookie is associated with Audigent, a Data Management Platform. It is used for identity resolution for the Audigent Halo.3rd Party730 days
ad.gtlast_seenmediamathThis cookie is associated with Audigent, a Data Management Platform. It stores the last seen time for Media Match.3rd Party730 days
ad.gttdidThis cookie is associated with Audigent, a Data Management Platform (DMP). It is used for identity resolution for advertising purposes on the Trade Desk.3rd Party730 days
ad.gtlast_seeng_hostedThis cookie is associated with Audigent, a Data Management Platform. It stores the last seen time for Google Hosted Match.3rd Party730 days
ad.gtimpr_uidThis cookie is associated with Audigent. It stores the ID for Improve Digital for advertising purposes.3rd Party730 days
ad.gtlast_seenadbThis cookie is associated with Audigent, a Data Management Platform. It stores the last seen time for Adobe.3rd Party730 days
ad.gtpbmThis cookie is associated with Audigent, a Data Management Platform. It stores the last seen time for Pubmatic.3rd Party730 days
ad.gtopenx_idThis cookie is associated with Audigent, a Data Management Platform. It stores the ID for Openx. Openx is an SSP partner that is integrated with Audigent.3rd Party730 days
ad.gtuser_idThis cookie is associated with Audigent. It is used to recognise a user on return visits.3rd Party730 days
ad.gtszmThis cookie is associated with Audigent, a Data Management Platform. It stores the last seen time for Sizmek.3rd Party730 days
ad.gtbeeswax_idThis cookie is associated with Audigent, a Data Management Platform. It stores the ID for Beeswax.3rd Party730 days
ad.gtuidThis cookie is associated with Audigent. It is used to recognise a user on return visits.3rd Party730 days
ad.gtlast_seensmartThis cookie is associated with Audigent, a Data Management Platform. It stores the last time seen for Smart.3rd Party730 days
ad.gtau_idThis cookie is associated with Audigent, a Data Management Platform. It stores the Audigient ID.3rd Party730 days
ad.gtemxidThis cookie is associated with Audigent, a Data Management Platform. It is used for identity resolution for advertising purposes for EMX Digital.3rd Party730 days
ad.gtlast_seenfplusThis cookie is associated with Audigent, a Data Management Platform. It is used for identity resolution for the Audigent Halo.3rd Party730 days
ad.gtlast_seenimproveThis cookie is associated with Audigent. It stores the last seen time for Improve Digital.3rd Party730 days
ad.gtturn_idThis cookie is associated with Audigent, a Data Management Platform. It is used for identity resolution for Amobee.3rd Party730 days
ad.gtgoogle_gidThis cookie is associated with Audigent, a Data Management Platform. It stores the ID for Google (self-hosted).3rd Party730 days
ad.gtadbThis cookie is associated with Audigent, a Data Management Platform. It is used for identity resolution for Adobe.3rd Party730 days
ad.gtlast_seenszmThis cookie is associated with Audigent, a Data Management Platform. It stores the last seen time for Sizmek.3rd Party730 days
ad.gtlast_seenhaloidThis cookie is associated with Audigent, a Data Management Platform. It stores the last seen time for the Audigent Halo ID.3rd Party730 days
ad.gthalo_idThis cookie is associated with Audigent, a Data Management Platform. It is used for identity resolution for the Audigent Halo.3rd Party730 days
ad.gtlast_seenamoThis cookie is associated with Audigent, a Data Management Platform. It stores the last seen time for Amobee.3rd Party730 days
everesttech.netev_sync_ddThis cookie is associated with Adobe. It is used to link anonymised analytics data to a visitor profile and help provide a personalised experience through the website, marketing and advertising.3rd Party31 days
everesttech.neteverest_g_v2This Adobe cookie is associated with embedded content from It is created after a user initially clicks a client's ad, and is used to map the current and subsequent clicks with other events on the client's website. It stores the browser and surfer ID.3rd Party365 days
everesttech.neteverest_session_v2This cookie is associated with (Adobe). It processes information about how the end user uses the website and any advertising they may have seen before visiting the said website.3rd PartySession